Nabel (Bellybutton)

Nabel (Bellybutton)


The German word “Nabel” refers to the anatomical structure known as the bellybutton or navel in English. It is the rounded or hollow depression located in the center of the abdomen, where the umbilical cord was attached during prenatal development.


The concept of an opposite to the bellybutton is not particularly applicable, as it represents a unique feature of the human body. However, if we consider opposites in a broader sense, one could argue that the exterior of the body, such as the face or limbs, could be seen as the opposite of the bellybutton.


There are several colloquial or slang terms used to refer to the bellybutton in German. Some commonly used synonyms include:

  1. Bauchnabel
  2. Nabelschnur (literally “umbilical cord”)
  3. Gummibaumloch (literally “rubber tree hole,” used humorously)


Here are a few examples that showcase the usage of the word “Nabel” in different contexts:

  1. “Sie zeigte stolz auf ihren Nabel, der nach der Geburt ihres Kindes noch eine kleine Narbe hatte.” (She proudly displayed her bellybutton, which still had a small scar from the birth of her child.)
  2. “Bevor der Babysitter kam, kontrollierte die Mutter den Nabel ihres Babys, um sicherzustellen, dass er ordentlich abgeheilt war.” (Before the babysitter arrived, the mother checked her baby’s bellybutton to make sure it had healed properly.)
  3. “Die Künstlerin malte ein Porträt einer Frau mit einem Piercing im Nabel.” (The artist painted a portrait of a woman with a bellybutton piercing.)

Please note that while “Nabel” is the standard term for bellybutton, informal and regional variations may exist.\ Visit

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