


Nachbar is a German word that translates to “neighbor” in English. It is a noun that refers to a person who lives near or adjacent to another person or place. The word also encompasses the idea of being in close proximity or having immediate access to someone or something.


  1. A person living in close physical proximity to another person or place.

  2. A person who shares a common boundary or wall with another person’s property.


  • Anitonym: Fremder (stranger)


  • Anwohner (resident)
  • Mitbewohner (roommate)
  • Bewohner (inhabitant)


  1. “Meine Nachbarn sind sehr freundlich.” (My neighbors are very friendly.)

  2. “Wir haben gute Beziehungen zu unseren Nachbarn.” (We have good relationships with our neighbors.)

  3. “Wenn ich Zucker brauche, frage ich immer bei meinen Nachbarn nach.” (When I need sugar, I always ask my neighbors.)

  4. “Die neue Familie ist gerade in das Haus nebenan gezogen. Sie sind unsere neuen Nachbarn.” (The new family just moved into the house next door. They are our new neighbors.)\ Visit

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