

Nachbarn (Neighbors)


  • A person or entity living or located next to another person or entity.
  • A resident of a neighboring region or country.
  • A person who shares a common boundary or property line.


  • Einwohner (Inhabitant) - a person who resides within a specific location or area.
  • Fremder (Stranger) - a person who is not known or familiar to others in a particular place.
  • Ausländer (Foreigner) - a person who is not a legal resident or citizen of the country or area in which they are living.


  • Mitbewohner (Roommate) - a person who shares a living space with another.
  • Anwohner (Resident) - a person who lives in a particular place or area.


  • “Unsere Nachbarn sind sehr freundlich.” (Our neighbors are very friendly.)
  • “Meine Nachbarin hat mir geholfen, als ich krank war.” (My neighbor helped me when I was sick.)
  • “Die Nachbarn haben eine Party gefeiert, wir waren eingeladen.” (The neighbors had a party, and we were invited.)
  • “Ich habe gerade neue Nachbarn bekommen, ich hoffe, sie sind nett.” (I just got new neighbors, I hope they are nice.)

Note: The word “Nachbarn” can refer to both individuals living next to each other in residential areas or regions as well as countries that share borders with each other. The context determines the specific meaning.\ Visit

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