

Definition: Nebel, a German noun, refers to the weather condition when the visibility is significantly reduced due to water droplets suspended in the air near the Earth’s surface. It creates a hazy atmosphere, making it difficult to see beyond a short distance.

Opposite: The opposite of Nebel is Klarheit, meaning clarity or clear skies. While Nebel obscures visibility, Klarheit refers to a weather condition characterized by a lack of fog or mist, allowing for a clear line of sight.

Synonym: A synonym for Nebel is Dunst, which describes a light fog or mist. Both terms refer to atmospheric conditions where visibility is reduced due to suspended water droplets, although Dunst is typically milder and less dense than Nebel.


  1. Heute Morgen war der Nebel so dicht, dass man kaum die Hand vor den Augen sehen konnte. (This morning, the fog was so dense that you could barely see your hand in front of your eyes.)

  2. Nachdem der Nebel aufgeklart war, konnten wir endlich die schöne Landschaft um uns herum erkennen. (After the fog cleared, we could finally appreciate the beautiful landscape around us.)

  3. Der Nebel hüllte die Wälder in ein geheimnisvolles und mystisches Flair. (The fog enveloped the forests in a mysterious and mystical ambiance.)

  4. Bei Nebel ist es ratsam, langsam und vorsichtig zu fahren, um Unfälle zu vermeiden. (In foggy conditions, it is advisable to drive slowly and cautiously to avoid accidents.)

  5. Die Lichter der Stadt wurden durch den Nebel gedimmt und tauchten sie in ein faszinierendes Schimmern. (The lights of the city were dimmed by the fog, creating a fascinating shimmer.)

Remember, Nebel is just one of the many beautiful and captivating aspects of German vocabulary that adds depth to the language.\ Visit

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