
Definition: Netzwerk refers to a network, which is a system that connects various individuals, organizations, or devices to facilitate communication, interaction, or the sharing of resources. It can comprise a range of interconnected nodes, such as computers, servers, or people.

Opposites: While the concept of networking involves building connections and fostering collaboration, an opposite term to Netzwerk could be Einzelgänger (lone wolf), which refers to someone who prefers to work or act alone without seeking social or professional connections.

Synonyms: Some synonyms for Netzwerk include Verbindung (connection), Gemeinschaft (community), Verbund (alliance), or Kommunikationsnetz (communication network).


  1. Die Universität hat ein weitreichendes Netzwerk, das ihren Studierenden zahlreiche Austausch- und Karrieremöglichkeiten bietet. (The university has an extensive network that provides its students with numerous opportunities for exchange and career development.)
  2. In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist ein stabiles Netzwerk von entscheidender Bedeutung, um einen reibungslosen Informationsfluss sicherzustellen. (In today’s digital world, a stable network is crucial to ensure a smooth flow of information.)\ Visit

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