


Neugier is a German noun that refers to curiosity or inquisitiveness. It describes a state of being eager to learn or discover more about something or someone.


The opposite of Neugier is Gleichgültigkeit, which means indifference. While Neugier represents an active pursuit of knowledge or information, Gleichgültigkeit implies a lack of interest or concern.


Some synonyms for Neugier include Wissbegierde (thirst for knowledge), Forschergeist (exploratory spirit), and Interesse (interest).


  • Die Neugier der Kinder trieb sie dazu, die Schatzkiste zu öffnen. (The children’s curiosity drove them to open the treasure box.)
  • Seine Neugier war grenzenlos und er las jedes Buch, das er finden konnte. (His curiosity was limitless, and he read every book he could find.)
  • Wir sollten unsere Neugier nutzen, um die Welt um uns herum besser zu verstehen. (We should harness our curiosity to better understand the world around us.)

Neugier is a word that reflects the innate human quality of seeking knowledge and exploring the unknown. It is through curiosity that we grow and expand our understanding of the world. So, embrace your Neugier and let it guide you on a path of discovery!\ Visit

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