
layout: post image: assets/images/posts/Pünktlich.png title: “Pünktlich” categories: [German Words] tags: [definitions, synonyms, opposites, examples] —

Definition: The word “pünktlich” means punctual in English. It refers to the quality of being on time or doing things at a specified time.

Synonyms: Some synonyms of pünktlich include terming, termingemäß, termintreu, rechtzeitig, fristgerecht, zeitgerecht, and weiterleitungsgerecht.

Opposites: Some opposites of pünktlich include unpünktlich (unpunctual) and verspätet (delayed).


Being punctual is highly valued in German culture, and it is considered disrespectful to be late or make someone else wait. Therefore, it is important to be pünktlich in any formal or informal meeting.\ Visit YouGlish.com