Panther [German]

Panther [German]


Panther, der (masc. noun)

  1. A large cat with a sleek body, found mainly in the dense forests of Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Known for its powerful physique, sharp claws, and acute senses, the panther is a skilled hunter and a symbol of strength and agility.

  2. In German zoology, the word “Panther” is often used interchangeably with “Leopard,” which refers specifically to the species Panthera pardus.


While “Panther” represents a powerful and ferocious predator, its opposite can be considered to be a prey animal or a harmless creature. Examples of opposites to a Panther include:

  • Gazelle
  • Rabbit
  • Squirrel


Although the term “Panther” itself is widely recognized, it can also be described using different words with similar meanings. Synonyms for Panther include:

  • Schwarzer Leopard (black leopard)
  • Großkatze (big cat)
  • Raubtier (predator)


  1. Der Panther schleicht lautlos durch den dichten Dschungel. (The panther silently prowls through the dense jungle.)

  2. Das Fell des Panthers ist von dunklem Schwarz. (The panther’s fur is dark black.)

  3. Der Panther beobachtet aus sicherer Entfernung seine Beute. (The panther observes its prey from a safe distance.)

  4. Trotz seiner imposanten Erscheinung ist der Panther ein äußerst scheues Tier. (Despite its impressive appearance, the panther is an extremely shy animal.)

  5. Die Sichtung eines Panthers in dieser Region ist äußerst selten. (The sighting of a panther in this region is extremely rare.)

With its strength and elegance, the panther remains a captivating creature that has fascinated humans for centuries. Its presence in literature, art, and popular culture further solidifies its iconic status.\ Visit

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