Pfeffer (Pepper)

Pfeffer (Pepper)

Pfeffer (Pepper)

Definition: Pfeffer, or pepper, refers to a popular spice derived from the pepper plant, typically used to enhance the flavor of various dishes. It is known for its characteristic sharp, hot, and pungent taste.

Opposite: The opposite of Pfeffer would be a bland or flavorless substance.

Synonyms: alternative terms for Pfeffer include Gewürz (spice), scharfes Gewürz (hot spice), and Würzpflanze (flavoring plant).


  1. “Bitte geben Sie etwas Pfeffer über das Gericht, um den Geschmack zu intensivieren.” (Please add some pepper to the dish to enhance the flavor.)

  2. “Diese Soße könnte etwas mehr Pfeffer vertragen.” (This sauce could use a bit more pepper.)

  3. “Der Geschmack des Essens ist zu mild, ich denke, wir sollten etwas Pfeffer hinzufügen.” (The taste of the food is too mild; I think we should add some pepper.)

Remember to use pepper in moderation, as its strong taste can easily overpower a dish. Enjoy experimenting with this versatile spice in various culinary creations!\ Visit

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