

“Planlos” is a German word that translates to “aimless” or “without a plan.” It is used to describe a situation or a person who does not have any clear objectives or direction in life.

Some synonyms of “planlos” are “zwecklos” (meaning pointless), “sinnlos” (meaning senseless), and “ziellos” (meaning aimless). The opposite of “planlos” would be a person who is “zielstrebig” (meaning ambitious or goal-oriented) or a situation that is “geplant” (meaning planned).

Here are a few examples of how you can use “planlos” in sentences:

  • Ich fühle mich planlos, ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll. (I feel aimless, I don’t know what to do.)
  • Das Projekt wurde ohne Planung gestartet und es herrscht jetzt totales Chaos. (The project was started without planning and now there is total chaos.)
  • Er hat ein planloses Leben geführt, aber jetzt hat er endlich Ziele und arbeitet hart, um sie zu erreichen. (He lived an aimless life, but now he finally has goals and is working hard to achieve them.)

Overall, “planlos” is a useful word to describe a lack of direction or purpose in life or situations. Its synonyms and opposites can help you express a similar idea in different ways, and using examples can make it easier to understand and remember its meaning.\ Visit

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