

Definitions of Quatsch:

  • Nonsense or balderdash: Quatsch refers to statements or ideas that are considered absurd, untrue, or ridiculous. Example: “Das ist doch alles Quatsch!” (That’s all nonsense!)

  • Silly or foolish behavior: Quatsch can also describe silly or foolish actions. Example: “Hör auf mit dem Quatsch!” (Stop with the silliness!)

  • Junk or rubbish: Quatsch is frequently used to refer to useless items or clutter. Example: “Warum hast du diesen Quatsch behalten?” (Why did you keep this junk?)

Opposites or Synonyms:

  • The opposite of Quatsch is Ernst (seriousness or gravity).

  • Synonyms for Quatsch include Unsinn (nonsense), Blödsinn (rubbish), or Kokolores (balderdash).


  1. “Lass uns aufhören, Quatsch zu machen, und mit der Arbeit anfangen.” (Let’s stop fooling around and start working.)

  2. “Das ist der dümmste Quatsch, den ich je gehört habe!” (That’s the silliest nonsense I’ve ever heard!)

  3. “Wirf den ganzen Quatsch weg und mach Platz für die wichtigen Dinge.” (Throw away all the junk and make space for the important things.)

In German, Quatsch is a versatile word that can be used to express disbelief, disapproval, or to simply dismiss something as absurd or foolish. It is often used in informal conversations or in playful contexts. Remember not to take things too seriously and indulge in a little Quatsch from time to time!\ Visit YouGlish.com

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