Regen (rain)

Regen (rain)


Regen is a German word that translates to “rain” in English. It refers to the water droplets that fall from the atmosphere to the Earth’s surface. Rain is an essential part of the Earth’s water cycle and is crucial for maintaining the planet’s ecosystems.


The opposite of Regen is “Trockenheit” (dryness). While Regen signifies the presence of water droplets falling from the sky, Trockenheit represents the absence of rain or moisture in the atmosphere. It can lead to drought conditions, affecting plant growth and water sources.


  • Niederschlag (precipitation)
  • Platzregen (downpour)
  • Schauer (shower)


  1. Heute hat es den ganzen Tag geregnet. (It rained all day today.)
  2. Der Regenbogen erschien nach dem Regenschauer. (The rainbow appeared after the rain shower.)
  3. In dieser Region gibt es oft starken Regen. (This region often experiences heavy rain.)

Regen is a versatile word that describes a natural phenomenon that is both necessary and impactful. It signifies the water cycle in action and plays a vital role in our planet’s ecosystems.\ Visit

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