layout: post image: assets/images/posts/Reinheit.png categories: [language] tags: [german, vocabulary] title: Reinheit

Reinheit (purity) is a german word that can be used to describe cleanliness, innocence, or the absence of impurities. It can refer to the quality of being pure or uncontaminated.

Opposite: The opposite of Reinheit is Verschmutzung (pollution) or Unreinheit (impurity).

Synonyms: Some synonyms of Reinheit include Sauberkeit (cleanliness) and Klarheit (clarity).


  1. Die Reinheit des Wassers ist wichtig für die Gesundheit. (The purity of water is important for health.)
  2. Ihr unschuldiges Lächeln strahlte Reinheit aus. (Her innocent smile radiated purity.)
  3. In vielen Kulturen symbolisiert Weiß Reinheit und Unschuld. (In many cultures, white symbolizes purity and innocence.)

Reinheit is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to convey the idea of purity and cleanliness.\ Visit