

Reis, noun (der Reis), is the German word for “rice.” It is a staple food, widely consumed and incredibly diverse in its culinary applications. Rice is the seed of the Oryza sativa or Oryza glaberrima plants and is considered one of the most important cereal crops worldwide.

Synonyms and Opposites

  • Synonyms: Reiskörner (rice grains), Reiskocher (rice cooker), Reismehl (rice flour), Reisfeld (rice field)
  • Opposites: Nudeln (pasta), Kartoffeln (potatoes), Getreide (cereal)


  1. Ich koche Reis für das Abendessen. (I am cooking rice for dinner.)
  2. Dieses Gericht wird mit Basmati-Reis zubereitet. (This dish is prepared with Basmati rice.)
  3. Du kannst Reis als Beilage zu deinem Hühnchen bestellen. (You can order rice as a side dish with your chicken.)
  4. Veganer essen oft Reis anstelle von Fleisch. (Vegetarians often eat rice instead of meat.)
  5. Das Restaurant bietet verschiedene Reisgerichte an. (The restaurant offers various rice dishes.)

Whether it’s used in Asian cuisine, as a side dish, or as the main ingredient in risotto or sushi, rice plays a significant role in countless dishes worldwide. Its versatility and nutritional benefits make it an essential ingredient in many cultures’ culinary traditions.\ Visit

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