

Reise is a German noun that refers to a journey or trip. It is used to describe the act of traveling from one place to another, usually for leisure or business purposes.


The opposite of a Reise would be “Zuhause bleiben”, which means to stay at home. While a Reise involves moving away from home and exploring new locations, choosing to remain at home implies no travel or movement.


There are several synonyms for Reise in German, including:

  • Ausflug: This term specifically refers to a short trip or excursion, often taken for leisure or recreational purposes.
  • Fahrt: This word emphasizes the mode of transportation used during the journey, such as train, car, or boat.
  • Urlaub: While this term generally translates to “holiday” or “vacation,” it is often used interchangeably with Reise, especially when referring to a longer trip or period of travel.


Here are a few examples of how Reise can be used in different contexts:

  1. Ich plane eine große Reise um die Welt – I am planning a big trip around the world.
  2. Meine Eltern machen eine Reise nach Paris – My parents are taking a trip to Paris.
  3. Diese Reise hat mich verändert – This journey has changed me.
  4. Wir müssen die Reise gut vorbereiten – We need to prepare for the trip thoroughly.

Remember, when using Reise in German, it is important to consider the appropriate articles and verb conjugations based on the context of your sentence.\ Visit

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