Ruhe (Noun)

Ruhe (Noun)


Ruhe, translated as “peace” or “tranquility” in English, is a German noun that signifies a state or condition of being calm, quiet, and undisturbed. It represents a peaceful state of mind and a place of respite from chaos or noise.


The opposite of Ruhe is “Lärm” which means “noise” in English. While Ruhe represents a desired state of peace, stillness, and serenity, “Lärm” embodies disruption, disturbance, and commotion.


  • Stille (stillness)
  • Frieden (peace)
  • Gelassenheit (serenity)
  • Entspannung (relaxation)


  1. Nach einem langen Tag voller Aktivitäten suchte sie Ruhe in der Natur. (After a long day filled with activities, she sought tranquility in nature.)
  2. Seine meditative Musik hilft mir, innere Ruhe zu finden. (His meditative music helps me find inner peace.)
  3. Der Lärm der Baustelle stört die Ruhe der Nachbarschaft. (The noise from the construction site disrupts the tranquility of the neighborhood.)
  4. In der Stille der Nacht konnte ich endlich zur Ruhe kommen. (In the silence of the night, I could finally find peace.)\ Visit

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