Ruhig (Quiet)
- Free from noise or disturbance; tranquil.
- Not busy; calm and peaceful.
- Making no or very little noise; silent or still.
- Marked by little or no motion or activity, especially in contrast to surrounding things.
- Laut (Loud)
- Unruhig (Restless)
- Hektisch (Hectic)
- Lebhaft (Lively)
- Stumm (Silent)
- Friedlich (Peaceful)
- Gelassen (Calm)
- Zurückhaltend (Reserved)
- Der Wald war ruhig und entspannend. (The forest was quiet and relaxing.)
- Bitte sei ruhig und höre gut zu. (Please be quiet and listen carefully.)
- Die Bibliothek ist ein ruhiger Ort zum Lernen. (The library is a quiet place for studying.)
- Nach einem langen Tag genießt sie gerne ruhige Musik. (After a long day, she enjoys listening to calm music.)
- Das Baby schlief ruhig in seinem Kinderbett. (The baby slept quietly in his crib.)\ Visit YouGlish.com