


Definition: The German word “Ruhigstellung” is a noun that refers to the act of immobilizing or sedating someone or something, often used in a medical or therapeutic context. It implies keeping a person or a body part still and calm to aid in healing or prevent further damage.

Opposite: The opposite of “Ruhigstellung” would be “Bewegung” which means movement. While “Ruhigstellung” refers to immobilization, “Bewegung” signifies physical activity or motion.

Synonym: A synonym for “Ruhigstellung” is “Stilllegung,” which also means immobilization or putting something at rest. Both words can be used interchangeably to convey the same idea.

Example: One common example of “Ruhigstellung” is the application of a cast or splint on a fractured limb. When someone breaks a bone, doctors often recommend immobilizing the injured area to prevent further damage and promote healing. The cast or splint keeps the bone in place and restricts movement, thus achieving “Ruhigstellung.”

Another example is the use of sedatives in medical procedures. Prior to surgery or certain tests, patients are sometimes administered sedatives to induce a state of “Ruhigstellung,” ensuring they remain calm and still during the procedure.

In general, “Ruhigstellung” is a concept employed in various medical and therapeutic contexts to stabilize, calm, and limit movement to promote healing or accomplish specific objectives.\ Visit

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