


Salzig is a German adjective that translates to “salty” in English. It is commonly used to describe the taste or flavor of food.


  • Süß (sweet): Salzig and süß are opposites when it comes to taste. While salzig indicates a salty taste, süß refers to something sweet. These opposites are often used when discussing contrasting flavors in culinary contexts.

  • Ungesalzen (unsalted): Salzig and ungesalzen are opposites that describe if something has or hasn’t been salted. While salzig means salty, ungesalzen means unsalted. These opposites can be used when discussing the presence or absence of salt in dishes.


  • Brackig (brackish): Brackig can be used as a synonym for salzig in certain contexts, especially when referring to the taste of water. It describes water that is slightly salty or briny.

  • Wie das Meer (like the sea): This phrase can be used as a synonym for salzig when describing a particularly salty taste. Just like the sea, which is known for its saltiness, this phrase emphasizes a strong and distinct salt flavor.


  • Das Essen ist zu salzig. (The food is too salty.)
  • Mein Snack hat einen salzigen Geschmack. (My snack has a salty taste.)
  • Die salzige Brise des Meeres erfüllte die Luft. (The salty breeze from the sea filled the air.)
  • Wenn du zu viel Salz hinzufügst, wird das Gericht salzig schmecken. (If you add too much salt, the dish will taste salty.)\ Visit

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