


Schönen is the infinitive form of the German verb “verschönern,” which means “to beautify” or “to enhance.” It is used to describe the act of making something more attractive or appealing in appearance. It can refer to physical improvements, as well as enhancing the quality or value of something.


The opposite of “schönen” is “verschlechtern,” which means “to worsen” or “to deteriorate.” While “schönen” means to make something better or more beautiful, “verschlechtern” describes the act of making something worse or less appealing.


Some synonyms for “schönen” include:

  • Veredeln (to refine)
  • Aufhübschen (to spruce up)
  • Aufwerten (to upgrade)


Below are a few examples that illustrate the usage of “schönen” in different contexts:

  1. Der Innenarchitekt wird das Wohnzimmer mit neuen Möbeln und einem frischen Farbanstrich verschönen. (The interior designer will beautify the living room with new furniture and a fresh coat of paint.)

  2. Durch innovative Technologien konnte die Soundqualität der Kopfhörer deutlich geschönt werden. (The sound quality of the headphones was greatly enhanced through innovative technologies.)

  3. In touristischen Regionen werden oft öffentliche Plätze und Parks verschönert, um den Besuchern ein angenehmes Erlebnis zu bieten. (In touristic regions, public spaces and parks are often beautified to provide visitors with a pleasant experience.)

  4. Die Künstlerin hat das Gemälde mit leuchtenden Farben und interessanten Details verschönt. (The artist enhanced the painting with vibrant colors and interesting details.)

Note: The word “schönen” can also be used in greetings and well-wishes. For instance, “Schönen Tag!” means “Have a nice day!”\ Visit

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