Scheune (feminine noun) is a German word that translates to “barn” in English. It refers to a large agricultural building designed to store and protect harvested crops, as well as house livestock and farm equipment. Scheunen are typically made of wood and have a spacious interior with high ceilings to accommodate multiple purposes.
Wohnhaus (n.) - residence, dwelling: In contrast to a Scheune, which is primarily used for agricultural purposes, a Wohnhaus is a residential building designed to provide shelter and living space for individuals or families.
Hochhaus (n.) - high-rise building: Unlike Scheunen, which usually have a single-story construction, Hochhäuser are tall buildings consisting of multiple floors or levels and usually serve commercial or residential purposes in urban areas.
Stall (m.) - stable: While a Scheune often includes a section for animal husbandry, a Stall is specifically designed to house and protect domesticated animals. It can be a standalone structure or a part of a larger Scheune.
Lagerschuppen (m.) - storage shed: Similar to a Scheune, a Lagerschuppen is an auxiliary building used for storing various items such as tools, machinery, or supplies. However, Lagerschuppen are generally smaller and more focused on storage rather than housing livestock.
Die Scheune auf dem Bauernhof ist voll mit Heu und Stroh. (The barn on the farm is full of hay and straw.)
Früher wurden in Scheunen oft große Feste gefeiert. (In the past, large celebrations were often held in barns.)
Nach dem Sturm mussten wir das Scheunentor reparieren. (After the storm, we had to repair the barn door.)\ Visit