Schlendrian [German word]

Schlendrian [German word]

Schlendrian is a German word that can be translated to “sloppiness” or “carelessness” in English. It refers to the act of being disorganized or reckless in one’s work or personal life.


Schlendrian can also mean ‘laziness’ or ‘negligence’. It describes a person’s attitude toward their work, and can be a negative attribute.


However, the opposite of Schlendrian is Sorgfalt which means ‘carefulness’ or ‘thoroughness’.


A few synonyms of Schlendrian include nachlässig, unordentlich and schlampig.


If somebody is not meeting their deadline at work because of their disorganized approach, one would use Schlendrian to describe their attitude. If somebody leaves their room or desk disorganized, the same word Schlendrian can describe that too.

On the contrary, the word Sorgfalt would be used to describe someone who takes their time with a task, and puts effort into doing it right. For instance, if someone is known to follow instructions carefully, and completes tasks in a timely and accurate manner, one would use the word Sorgfalt to describe their attitude.

Overall, Schlendrian is not the best attribute to have. One should try to be more precise and organized in their work and personal life.\ Visit

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