


Schnelle is a German word that can be translated as “fast” or “quick” in English. It is primarily used as an adjective to describe something or someone that moves or acts with great speed.


The opposite of schnelle is “langsam,” which means “slow.” While schnelle refers to rapid movements or actions, langsam describes the opposite, indicating a slower pace.


Some synonyms for schnelle include:

  • Rasch (hasty)
  • Flott (brisk)
  • Zügig (expeditious)
  • Geschwind (swift)


Here are a few examples of how schnelle can be used in different contexts:

  1. Die schnelle Katze jagt die Maus. (The fast cat chases the mouse.)
  2. Er hat eine schnelle Entscheidung getroffen. (He made a quick decision.)
  3. Bitte beeil dich, wir haben es eilig und müssen schnell los. (Please hurry up, we’re in a hurry and need to leave quickly.)

Remember that the meaning of schnelle can vary depending on the context in which it is used. Its synonyms can also convey slightly different nuances of speed.\ Visit

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