Schokolade is a noun in German that refers to a sweet and usually brown food made from cacao seeds. It is commonly used in the form of bars or candies.
- Weiß (white)
- Vanille (vanilla)
- Kakao (cocoa)
- Süßigkeiten (sweets)
- Ich esse gerne Schokolade nach dem Abendessen. (I like to eat chocolate after dinner.)
- Die Pralinen enthalten köstliche Schokolade und Nüsse. (The pralines contain delicious chocolate and nuts.)
- Meine Großmutter backt immer Kuchen mit dunkler Schokolade. (My grandmother always bakes cakes with dark chocolate.)
Schokolade is a beloved treat for people of all ages. Its rich and creamy texture, combined with its sweet taste, makes it a popular indulgence. Whether enjoyed in the form of a simple chocolate bar or used as an ingredient in various desserts, Schokolade never fails to satisfy cravings for something sweet.\ Visit YouGlish.com