


Schokolade is a noun in German that refers to a sweet and usually brown food made from cacao seeds. It is commonly used in the form of bars or candies.


  • Weiß (white)
  • Vanille (vanilla)


  • Kakao (cocoa)
  • Süßigkeiten (sweets)


  1. Ich esse gerne Schokolade nach dem Abendessen. (I like to eat chocolate after dinner.)
  2. Die Pralinen enthalten köstliche Schokolade und Nüsse. (The pralines contain delicious chocolate and nuts.)
  3. Meine Großmutter backt immer Kuchen mit dunkler Schokolade. (My grandmother always bakes cakes with dark chocolate.)

Schokolade is a beloved treat for people of all ages. Its rich and creamy texture, combined with its sweet taste, makes it a popular indulgence. Whether enjoyed in the form of a simple chocolate bar or used as an ingredient in various desserts, Schokolade never fails to satisfy cravings for something sweet.\ Visit

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