


The German word “Schulzeugnis” refers to a school report or certificate that provides an overview of a student’s academic performance. It is typically issued at the end of a semester or school year and outlines the student’s grades, conduct, and attendance.


A “Schulzeugnis” can be defined as an official document that evaluates and provides feedback on a student’s progress in various subjects throughout their schooling. It serves as an important tool for both students and parents to track their academic achievements and areas of improvement.


While there is no direct opposite term for “Schulzeugnis,” it can be contrasted with a “Halbjahreszeugnis” (mid-year report) or a “Abschlusszeugnis” (graduation certificate) depending on the context. The former is issued halfway through the academic year, offering an interim evaluation of the student’s performance. The latter is granted upon completion of a certain level of education, such as high school or university.


In different regions, “Schulzeugnis” may be referred to using alternative terms such as “Zeugnis” or “Notenzeugnis.” These synonyms still imply the same meaning of a school report or certificate.


Below are a few examples to illustrate the usage of “Schulzeugnis”:

  1. Ich habe gestern mein Schulzeugnis erhalten. (Yesterday, I received my school report.)
  2. Das Schulzeugnis meines Kindes zeigt eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung. (My child’s school report shows continuous improvement.)
  3. Er war sehr stolz auf sein gutes Schulzeugnis. (He was very proud of his excellent school report.)

Understanding the significance of a “Schulzeugnis” helps individuals gauge their academic progress and identify areas where further efforts are needed.\ Visit

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