Sehen (See)

Sehen (See)

Sehen is a versatile German word with multiple meanings and usage. It primarily functions as a verb, and here we explore its definitions, opposites, synonyms, and examples.


Sehen refers to the act of perceiving or visually recognizing something through the eyes. It is the process of gaining awareness or knowledge through visual observation.


  • Nicht sehen (Not see): It denotes the opposite action of seeing, i.e., not perceiving or visually recognizing something.
  • Blind sein (To be blind): While opposite in nature, it signifies the inability to see or the lack of visual perception.


  • Anschauen (To look at): It implies the action of intentionally observing something with attention or curiosity.
  • Betrachten (To contemplate): This synonym conveys a deeper observation or examination of something, often done with great focus and reflection.


  • Ich sehe eine schöne Landschaft. (I see a beautiful landscape.)
  • Kannst du das Schild sehen? (Can you see the sign?)
  • Er sieht glücklich aus. (He looks happy.)
  • Siehst du den Vogel auf dem Baum? (Do you see the bird on the tree?)
  • Ich kann ohne Brille nicht gut sehen. (I can’t see well without glasses.)

Sehen is a fundamental verb in German that describes the visual perception of the world around us. It plays an essential role in communication, as it allows individuals to describe what they observe and gain knowledge through their eyes.\ Visit

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