Sieg (victory)

Sieg (victory)


Sieg is a German noun that translates to “victory” in English. It is derived from the Old High German word “siugan,” meaning “to conquer” or “to win.” It represents the successful outcome of a struggle, conflict, or competition.


The opposite of Sieg is Niederlage, which means “defeat” in English. Niederlage refers to the unsuccessful outcome of a battle, game, or any other form of competition.

Example sentence:

  • Gestern haben wir einen glorreichen Sieg errungen. (Yesterday we achieved a glorious victory.)
  • Leider haben wir die Schlacht verloren. (Unfortunately, we lost the battle.)


  • Erfolg (success)
  • Triumpf (triumph)


  • Das deutsche Fußballteam hat den Sieg beim Weltmeisterschaft gewonnen. (The German national football team won the victory at the World Cup.)
  • Ihre harte Arbeit und Ausdauer führten zum lang ersehnten Sieg. (Their hard work and perseverance led to the long-awaited victory.)
  • Die tapferen Soldaten feierten ihren mutigen Sieg über den Feind. (The brave soldiers celebrated their courageous victory over the enemy.)

Remember, victory can be achieved in various aspects of life, not just in sports or battles. It can symbolize personal achievements, overcoming obstacles, or reaching personal goals.\ Visit

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