


Sonneleuchten is a German word that is a combination of “Sonne” (meaning sun) and “leuchten” (meaning shine or glow). It refers to the phenomenon when sunlight penetrates through a partially cloudy sky and creates beams or rays of light.


The opposite of Sonneleuchten would be “Bewölkung” (cloudiness) or “Regen” (rain), as these conditions prevent the sun from shining through the clouds.


There are a few synonyms for Sonneleuchten, such as “Sonnenschein” (sunshine) and “Sonnenstrahlen” (sun rays). All these terms describe the same visual effect of sunlight beams breaking through the clouds.


Here are a few examples of using Sonneleuchten in sentences:

  1. “Der Spaziergang wurde noch schöner durch das Sonneleuchten, das uns umgab.”
    • Translation: “The walk became even more beautiful due to the sunbeams that surrounded us.”
  2. “Nach einem langen Tag voller Regen war das plötzliche Sonneleuchten eine willkommene Überraschung.”
    • Translation: “After a long day filled with rain, the sudden sunbeam was a welcome surprise.”
  3. “Die Sonneleuchten durchbrechen die Wolken und zaubern ein goldenes Licht auf die Landschaft.”
    • Translation: “The sunbeams break through the clouds and create a golden light on the landscape.”

Sonneleuchten is a captivating natural phenomenon that adds beauty and enchantment to the surroundings. It reminds us of the power and warmth of the sun, even on cloudy days.\ Visit

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