Sorgenfrei (adjective) is a German word that translates to “carefree” in English. It is derived from the words “Sorge” meaning “worry” and “frei” meaning “free”.
The opposite of sorgenfrei is “sorgenvoll” which means “worried” or “full of worries”. Therefore, sorgenfrei and sorgenvoll can be seen as antonyms.
Some synonyms for sorgenfrei include “unbeschwert” (unburdened), “heiter” (cheerful), and “gelassen” (relaxed). These words convey a similar sense of freedom from worries and care.
Nachdem sie ihre Prüfungen bestanden hatte, war sie endlich wieder sorgenfrei. (After passing her exams, she was finally carefree again.)
Die Kinder, die am Strand spielen, wirken so sorgenfrei und glücklich. (The children playing on the beach seem so carefree and happy.)
Nach der lang ersehnten Beförderung konnte er ein sorgenfreies Leben führen. (After the long-awaited promotion, he was able to lead a carefree life.)
Overall, sorgenfrei carries a positive connotation, describing a state of being free from worries and anxieties. It can signify a sense of relief, joy, and contentment.\ Visit YouGlish.com