


Sprung (noun) refers to a leap or jump in German. It indicates a sudden and forceful upward movement, usually involving both feet leaving the ground simultaneously. A “Sprung” can be intentional or involuntary, and it often implies a quick transition from one position to another.


An opposite of “Sprung” could be “Stehenbleiben” (verb) which means to stand still or remain stationary. Unlike a “Sprung,” which involves movement and action, “Stehenbleiben” signifies staying in one place without any significant shift or progress.


There are several synonyms to describe a “Sprung”:

  • “Hüpfer” (noun): This word is used to describe a small or playful leap, usually associated with lightness and agility.
  • “Satz” (noun): It refers to a sudden or powerful jump, often requiring significant energy or effort.
  • “Sprungbrett” (noun): This term specifically denotes a springboard, which is a diving platform used for performing acrobatic jumps.


Here are a few examples to showcase the usage of “Sprung” in different contexts:

  1. Der Athlet machte einen beeindruckenden Sprung und landete perfekt. (Translation: The athlete made an impressive jump and landed perfectly.)

  2. Das kleine Kind machte einen Sprung auf das Trampolin und lachte fröhlich. (Translation: The little child jumped on the trampoline and laughed happily.)

  3. Nach einem mutigen Sprung in das kalte Wasser fühlte er eine erfrischende Kälte. (Translation: After a brave jump into the cold water, he felt a refreshing chill.)

Remember, “Sprung” can be used in diverse scenarios, from describing physical actions to metaphorical leaps of faith or progress.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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