Stadt [Noun]

Stadt [Noun]


  1. (feminine) A large, populated area that serves as a center of commerce, culture, and government. It is characterized by a high population density and numerous buildings and infrastructure.
  2. (informal) A city or town, typically used in colloquial language.


  1. Dorf (village) - A small, rural settlement with a relatively low population and limited facilities.


  1. Großstadt (metropolis) - A highly populated city with significant economic and cultural influence.
  2. Metropole (metropolis) - A large, influential city often considered a center of political, economic, and cultural activity.
  3. Stadtzentrum (city center) - The central area of a city where most commercial, governmental, and cultural activities take place.


  1. Ich liebe das pulsierende Leben in der Stadt. (I love the vibrant city life.)
  2. Die Stadt hat erstaunliche Architektur und historisches Erbe. (The city has amazing architecture and historical heritage.)
  3. Er wohnt in einer kleinen Stadt am Rande des Rheins. (He lives in a small town on the banks of the Rhine.)

Note: The word “Stadt” is written with a capital ‘S’ when used as a noun. It can also be combined with other words to form compound nouns such as “Stadtplan” (city map) or “Stadtbewohner” (city dweller).\ Visit

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