Stehlen (Theft)

Stehlen (Theft)


Stehlen is a German verb that translates to “to steal” in English. It is an act of taking someone else’s property without their permission or legal right, typically with the intention of keeping it for oneself. Stehlen is considered a criminal offense and is punishable by law.


The opposite of stehlen is “geben” which means “to give”. Giving involves voluntarily transferring possession of an item or object to someone else, typically without expecting anything in return. While stealing is an illegal and morally wrong action, giving is related to generosity and kindness.


There are several synonyms for stehlen, including:

  • Entwenden (to purloin)
  • Klauen (to swipe)
  • Rauben (to rob)

While these words may have slightly different nuances, they all convey the act of taking something without permission.


Here are some examples showcasing the usage of stehlen:

  1. “Der Dieb hat mein Portemonnaie gestohlen.” (The thief stole my wallet.)
  2. “Kinder sollten lernen, dass Stehlen falsch ist.” (Children should learn that stealing is wrong.)
  3. “Sie sind auf frischer Tat beim Stehlen erwischt worden.” (They were caught stealing in the act.)

It is essential to understand that stealing is a violation of personal property rights and societal norms. It is always important to respect others’ belongings and refrain from engaging in such activities.\ Visit

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