


Stern is a German word that means “star” in English. It refers to the luminous celestial object visible in the night sky, usually shining from a great distance. Stars are composed of hot, glowing gases and are often associated with beauty, wonder, and guidance.


While Stern primarily signifies a “star,” its opposite could be considered as “Dunkelheit” (darkness). Darkness represents the absence of light and can be associated with the inability to see stars or any other source of illumination.


Some synonyms for the word Stern include:

  • Himmelskörper (celestial body)
  • Gestirn (celestial object)
  • Fixstern (fixed star)


Here are a few examples that showcase the usage of Stern in various contexts:

  1. “In einer klaren Nacht kann man zahlreiche Sterne am Himmel sehen.” (On a clear night, one can see numerous stars in the sky.)
  2. “Der Polarstern dient als Orientierungshilfe für Reisende in der nördlichen Hemisphäre.” (The North Star serves as a guide for travelers in the northern hemisphere.)
  3. “Die Opernsängerin erhielt für ihre phänomenale Leistung Standing Ovations und fünf Sterne von renommierten Kritikern.” (The opera singer received standing ovations and five stars from renowned critics for her phenomenal performance.)

In conclusion, Stern represents the beauty and wonder associated with stars in the night sky. Its opposite is darkness, and it has synonyms such as Himmelskörper, Gestirn, and Fixstern. The provided examples demonstrate its usage in different contexts.\ Visit

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