

Straßenschlacht is a German noun composed of two words: “Straße” which means “street” and “Schlacht” which means “battle”. The literal translation of “Straßenschlacht” is “street battle”. It refers to a violent confrontation between protesters and police or between rival groups on the streets.

Synonyms of “Straßenschlacht” could be “Straßenkampf” (street fight), “Riot” or “Auseinandersetzung” (confrontation).

An opposite or antonym for “Straßenschlacht” could be “Friedensmarsch” (peace march), “Demonstration” (protest) or “Streik” (strike), which are non-violent ways of expressing dissent or disapproval.

Here’s an example of how to use “Straßenschlacht” in a sentence:

“Am 1. Mai gab es in Berlin eine heftige Straßenschlacht zwischen linken und rechten Gruppen, bei der mehrere Personen verletzt wurden.” (On May 1st, there was a fierce street battle in Berlin between left and right groups, in which several people were injured.)

It’s important to remember that “Straßenschlacht” is a word that reflects conflicts and violence, and that peaceful ways of expressing opinions and grievances should always be preferred.\ Visit

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