

Streber is a German word that is commonly used to describe someone who is over-ambitious and extremely hard-working. The word is usually used in a negative context and can be translated to English as a nerd or a swot.


  • Fleißiger (hard-worker)
  • Bücherwurm (bookworm)
  • Lernfreak (study freak)
  • Sparfuchs (tightwad)


  • Schlampig (sloppy)
  • Unordentlich (messy)
  • Faulpelz (lazybones)


Here are some sentences with the word Streber used in context:

  • Der Streber hat die höchste Punktzahl in der Klasse erreicht. (The nerd has achieved the highest score in the class.)
  • Ich glaube, er ist ein Streber, weil er immer alle Hausaufgaben erledigt. (I think he is a swot because he always completes all his homework.)
  • Sie ist eine Fleißige und kein Streber, weil sie sich nicht nur auf das Studium konzentriert, sondern auch Zeit für ihre Freunde hat. (She is a hard-working student, not a nerd, because she not only focuses on studying but also spends time with her friends.)

Overall, the word Streber can be used in various contexts, but it is mostly associated with students who are extremely dedicated to their studies.\ Visit

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