Streit (Conflict)

Streit (Conflict)


Streit is a German word that translates to “conflict” in English. It refers to a disagreement or an argument between two or more individuals, where opposing views or interests clash. Streit can occur in various contexts, such as personal relationships, workplace dynamics, or international relations.

Opposite: Frieden (Peace)

The opposite of Streit is Frieden, which means “peace.” Frieden represents a state of harmony, tranquility, and absence of conflict. While Streit often arises due to differences in opinions or interests, Frieden signifies the resolution or absence of such disputes.

Synonyms: Konflikt (Conflict), Auseinandersetzung (Dispute)

  • Konflikt: Similar to Streit, Konflikt also denotes a conflict or a clash between parties. It emphasizes the notion of opposing perspectives or interests leading to disagreement.
  • Auseinandersetzung: This word describes a dispute or a disagreement, often involving opposing points of view. Auseinandersetzung can refer to conflicts on various levels, ranging from personal disputes to larger-scale ideological confrontations.


Here are some examples showcasing the usage of Streit in different contexts:

  1. Personal Conflict: Der Streit zwischen den Geschwistern eskalierte schnell, als sie nicht über die Aufteilung des Erbes einig werden konnten. (The conflict between the siblings escalated quickly as they couldn’t agree on the division of the inheritance.)
  2. Workplace Disagreements: Der Streit zwischen den Mitarbeitern entstand aufgrund unterschiedlicher Arbeitsstile und führte zu einem ineffizienten Arbeitsumfeld. (The conflict between the employees arose from different work styles, leading to an inefficient work environment.)
  3. Political Tensions: Der Streit zwischen den beiden Regierungen über Handelsangelegenheiten führte zu ernsthaften diplomatischen Spannungen. (The conflict between the two governments regarding trade matters resulted in severe diplomatic tensions.)\ Visit

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