


Sturm (noun) in German means storm, referring to a disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds, rain, snow, or hail. It can also be used to describe a strong emotional outburst or display of passion.


Ruhe (noun) is the opposite of Sturm, meaning peace or calmness. When there is a lack of storms or disturbances in the atmosphere, it is considered a time of Ruhe.


  • Unwetter (noun) - inclement weather
  • Gewitter (noun) - thunderstorm
  • Aufruhr (noun) - upheaval or turmoil


  1. Ein heftiger Sturm brachte umgestürzte Bäume und Stromausfälle mit sich. (A fierce storm brought down trees and power outages.)
  2. Nach dem Sturm kommt die Ruhe. (After the storm comes the calm.)
  3. Der Künstler malte ein Bild voller Sturm und Unwetter, um seine inneren Emotionen auszudrücken. (The artist painted a picture full of storm and inclement weather to express his inner emotions.)\ Visit

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