Sturm (noun) in German means storm, referring to a disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds, rain, snow, or hail. It can also be used to describe a strong emotional outburst or display of passion.
Ruhe (noun) is the opposite of Sturm, meaning peace or calmness. When there is a lack of storms or disturbances in the atmosphere, it is considered a time of Ruhe.
- Unwetter (noun) - inclement weather
- Gewitter (noun) - thunderstorm
- Aufruhr (noun) - upheaval or turmoil
- Ein heftiger Sturm brachte umgestürzte Bäume und Stromausfälle mit sich. (A fierce storm brought down trees and power outages.)
- Nach dem Sturm kommt die Ruhe. (After the storm comes the calm.)
- Der Künstler malte ein Bild voller Sturm und Unwetter, um seine inneren Emotionen auszudrücken. (The artist painted a picture full of storm and inclement weather to express his inner emotions.)\ Visit