

Definition: Table in German is translated as “Tisch”. It refers to a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs used for supporting objects or items.

Opposite: The opposite of “Tisch” in German is “Boden”, which means floor or ground. While “Tisch” is a raised surface used for activities such as eating, working, or playing, “Boden” refers to the ground level.

Synonyms: Some synonyms for “Tisch” are “Schreibtisch” (desk), “Esstisch” (dining table), and “Couchtisch” (coffee table). Each of these variations serves a specific function or purpose within a living space.


  1. Sie setzte sich am Tisch, um zu arbeiten. (She sat down at the table to work.)
  2. Bitte räumen Sie den Tisch ab, damit wir das Essen servieren können. (Please clear the table so that we can serve the meal.)
  3. Er stellte die Blumen auf den Tisch, um sie zu dekorieren. (He placed the flowers on the table to decorate.)\ Visit

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