


Tanzen refers to the act of dancing. It is an art form that involves rhythmic movements of one’s body in accordance with music. Dancing can be both a recreational activity or a professional occupation. It is commonly performed at events such as weddings, parties, and dance competitions.


The opposite of tanzen is stehenbleiben, which means to stand still. While dancing involves fluid and coordinated movements, standing still implies the absence of any movement.


Some synonyms of tanzen include tänzeln (to prance or prance about), schwingen (to swing or sway), and wippen (to bob or bounce).


  1. Die Teilnehmer haben die ganze Nacht getanzt. (The participants danced all night.)
  2. Sie tanzt Ballett seit sie drei Jahre alt ist. (She has been dancing ballet since she was three years old.)
  3. Die beiden verbringen gerne ihre Abende damit, zu Hause zu tanzen. (The couple enjoys spending their evenings dancing at home.)\ Visit YouGlish.com

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