


  • Definition: Tausendsassa is a colloquial German term derived from the words “tausend” (thousand) and “Sassa” (a version of “Sache,” meaning thing or matter). It refers to a multi-talented person who is skillful and versatile in many different areas or activities. A tausendsassa is someone who excels in numerous fields, often showcasing their expertise and adaptability.

  • Opposites: Although there isn’t a direct opposite of tausendsassa, one could consider someone who lacks versatility and is specialized in only one specific area, such as a “Spezialist” (specialist) or “Ein-Fach-Mensch” (one-track-minded person), as the antithesis.

  • Synonyms: Synonymous phrases for tausendsassa include “Multitalent” (multitalented), “Alleskönner” (jack-of-all-trades), and “Vielbegabter” (multi-gifted).

  • Examples:

    1. “Hans ist ein echter Tausendsassa. Er beherrscht Klavierspielen, Kochen, Sprachen und kann sogar Tischlern!” (Hans is a true tausendsassa. He masters playing the piano, cooking, languages, and can even do carpentry!)

    2. “Meine Freundin ist ein wahres Multitalent. Sie kann nähen, malen, Gitarre spielen und ist auch noch eine exzellente Tänzerin.” (My friend is a true multitalented person. She can sew, paint, play the guitar, and is also an excellent dancer.)

    3. “Lisa bewundert ihren Großvater, der ein Alleskönner ist. Er kann Schach spielen, schreinern, und hat sogar ein eigenes Buch geschrieben.” (Lisa admires her grandfather, who is a jack-of-all-trades. He can play chess, do carpentry, and has even written his own book.)

Remember, being a tausendsassa is considered a positive attribute in German, as it represents a person’s versatility and adaptability in various aspects of life.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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