

Trauer is a German word that refers to the feeling of sadness or grief that comes after a significant loss or tragedy. It is often described as a deep sense of sorrow that can be overwhelming and difficult to cope with.

Opposites: The opposite of Trauer is happiness or joy. When one is not sad, he/she is happy.

Synonyms: Some synonyms of Trauer include Kummer, Leid, and Schmerz. Each of these words refers to a deep sense of sadness or grief.


  • Nach dem Tod ihres Hundes war ihre Trauer unermesslich - After the death of her dog, her grief was immeasurable.
  • Der Schauspieler drückte seine Trauer über den Verlust seines Freundes aus - The actor expressed his sorrow for the loss of his friend.
  • Unsere Gedanken sind bei allen, die von der aktuellen Krise betroffen sind, und wir teilen ihre Trauer - Our thoughts are with those affected by the current crisis, and we share in their grief.\ Visit

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