Traum (Dream)

Traum (Dream)

Definition: Traum is a German noun that translates to “dream” in English. It refers to a series of thoughts, images, and sensations that occur during sleep. However, it can also be used metaphorically to represent desires, aspirations, or idealistic visions.

Opposite: The opposite of Traum is Alptraum, which translates to “nightmare.” While a dream is associated with positive and pleasant experiences, a nightmare refers to a distressing or terrifying dream. Alptraum often involves feelings of fear, anxiety, or unease.

Synonyms: Some synonyms for Traum include Phantasie (fantasy), Vorstellung (imagination), and Illusion (illusion). These words highlight the creative and imaginative aspect of dreams.


  1. Ich hatte heute Nacht einen schönen Traum von einer Strandparty. (I had a lovely dream of a beach party last night.)
  2. Meine größten Träume sind es, die Welt zu bereisen und ein Buch zu schreiben. (My biggest dreams are to travel the world and write a book.)
  3. Er lebt in einer Traumwelt und hat unrealistische Vorstellungen. (He lives in a dream world and has unrealistic fantasies.)

In conclusion, the word Traum represents the concept of “dream” in German. It can refer to both literal dreams during sleep and metaphorical dreams representing desires and aspirations. Its opposite is Alptraum, which refers to nightmares. Synonyms for Traum include Phantasie, Vorstellung, and Illusion.\ Visit

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