


Treffen is a German word that stands for the act of meeting someone or something, usually implying the arrangement of a specific time and place to come together. The word can be used in various contexts, from personal meetings to organized gatherings and official appointments.


The opposite of treffen in German is verfehlen, which means to miss or fail to hit the target. In terms of meeting someone, the opposite can be considered ausweichen, meaning to avoid or evade meeting, or verpassen, which indicates missing a meeting unintentionally or due to circumstances.


Synonyms for treffen in German include begegnen, which translates to “encounter,” and sich versammeln, meaning “to gather” or “to assemble.” These words can be used interchangeably to describe meeting someone or joining a group for a specific purpose.


  • Wir treffen uns um 19 Uhr im Café. (We’re meeting at 7 p.m. in the café.)
  • Jedes Jahr treffen sich die Familienmitglieder zum Weihnachtsessen. (Every year, family members meet for Christmas dinner.)
  • Ich habe meinen Termin verpasst und konnte meinen Kollegen nicht treffen. (I missed my appointment and couldn’t meet my colleague.)
  • Es war ein zufälliges Treffen in der Einkaufsstraße. (It was a chance encounter in the shopping street.)

Treffen is a versatile German word used to describe the act of meeting, whether it be planned or accidental. Its opposites, such as verfehlen and ausweichen, offer alternative meanings related to missing or avoiding meetings. Meanwhile, synonyms like begegnen and sich versammeln enable the expression of meeting in different contexts.\ Visit

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