


Definition: die Treppe (feminine noun) refers to a construction consisting of a series of steps arranged in a fixed order, which allows for vertical movement between different levels or floors in a building.

Opposite: An opposite term to Treppe is Ebene (plain or level surface), which refers to a flat area without any level changes or steps.

Synonyms: Some synonyms for Treppe include Stiege, Stufen, and Aufgang, all of which also describe a construction used to ascend or descend between different levels.


  1. “Nach einem langen Tag stieg sie die Treppe zu ihrer Wohnung im dritten Stock hinauf.” (After a long day, she climbed the stairs to her apartment on the third floor.)
  2. “Vorsicht! Die Treppe ist rutschig.” (Caution! The stairs are slippery.)
  3. “Im Museum gibt es eine beeindruckende Wendeltreppe.” (There is an impressive spiral staircase in the museum.)

The word Treppe is commonly used in German to describe a fundamental architectural element found in almost every building. It plays a crucial role in facilitating vertical movement and is often associated with concepts such as ascent, descent, and levels.\ Visit

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