

German Word: Turm

Definition: Turm means “tower” in German. It refers to a tall structure that is often built as a symbol of strength or power.

Opposite: The opposite of Turm is “Tal” which means “valley” in German. While a Turm reaches high into the sky, a Tal is a low-lying area surrounded by mountains or hills.

Synonyms: Other words that can be used as synonyms for Turm include “Berg,” which means “mountain,” and “Schloss,” which means “castle.” Both of these structures are often tall and imposing like a tower.


  1. Der Eiffelturm in Paris ist ein berühmter Turm. (The Eiffel Tower in Paris is a famous tower.)
  2. Die Burg war von hohen Türmen umgeben. (The castle was surrounded by tall towers.)

Learning German vocabulary like Turm can help you better understand the language and appreciate the rich history and culture of German-speaking countries.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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