layout: post
image: assets/images/posts/Unerwartet.png
categories: [language]
tags: [german, vocabulary]
title: Unerwartet
Unerwartet is a German word that translates to “unexpected” in English. It is used to describe something that happens suddenly or without warning.
- Erwartet (expected) - the opposite of unerwartet, something that was anticipated or foreseen.
- Vorhersehbar (predictable) - an alternative opposite to unerwartet, something that can be forecasted or projected.
- Plötzlich (sudden) - a similar term that can be used to describe something happening unexpectedly.
- Überraschend (surprising) - another word that conveys the unexpected nature of a situation.
- Die unerwartete Ankunft des Gastes hat mich überrascht. (The unexpected arrival of the guest surprised me.)
- Wir wurden von einem unerwarteten Gewitter überrascht. (We were surprised by an unexpected thunderstorm.)
Unerwartet is a versatile term that can be used in various contexts to convey the element of surprise or suddenness.\ Visit