Unschuld (Innocence)

Unschuld (Innocence)


Unschuld is a German noun that translates to “innocence” in English. It refers to the state of being free from guilt, blame, or wrongdoing. Unschuld is often associated with purity, naivety, and a lack of knowledge or experience in regards to immoral or harmful actions.


  1. Schuld (Guilt): While Unschuld denotes innocence, its opposite, Schuld, refers to guilt or responsibility for a wrongdoing. It represents the state of being at fault or having committed an offense.

  2. Erfahrenheit (Experience): As Unschuld suggests a lack of knowledge or experience, Erfahrenheit stands as its opposite. Erfahrenheit represents the accumulation of knowledge and expertise gained through life’s lessons and encounters.


  1. Reinheit (Purity): Unschuld is often synonymous with Reinheit, meaning purity. Both words imply an absence of contamination, whether it be physical, moral, or spiritual.

  2. Naivität (Naivety): Unschuld and Naivität share a similar connotation of innocence, indicating a lack of worldly wisdom or skepticism. However, Naivität may sometimes carry a negative implication of being easily deceived or taken advantage of.


  1. Das kleine Mädchen strahlte vor Unschuld und glaubte an das Gute in jedem Menschen. (The little girl radiated innocence and believed in the goodness of every person.)

  2. Die Anwältin bemühte sich, die Unschuld ihres Mandanten vor Gericht zu beweisen. (The lawyer endeavored to prove her client’s innocence in court.)

  3. Nachdem sie den Brief gelesen hatte, konnte sie ihre Unschuld nicht leugnen. (After reading the letter, she could not deny her innocence.)

  4. Sein Gesichtsausdruck verriet Unschuld, als er die gestohlene Süßigkeit versteckte. (His facial expression revealed innocence as he hid the stolen candy.)

Unschuld, a concept deeply rooted in human nature, plays a crucial role in various aspects of life, including law, morality, and personal relationships. Whether it conveys a sense of pureness or represents the absence of guilt, Unschuld emphasizes the significance of moral integrity and the desire to preserve our innate innocence.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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