Unterhaltung is a common German word that can be translated as “entertainment” or “amusement” in English. It is derived from the verb “unterhalten,” which means “to entertain” or “to maintain.”
- Unterhaltung (noun): It refers to any activity or form of amusement that provides enjoyment, relaxation, or diversion. It encompasses a broad range of recreational activities such as watching movies, reading books, playing games, or attending social gatherings.
- Unterhalten (verb): To engage in conversation or communicate with someone in an entertaining manner. It can also denote the act of maintaining something, such as a building or a relationship.
Synonyms: Vergnügen (pleasure), Amüsement (amusement), Spaß (fun), Erholung (recreation)
Opposites: Langeweile (boredom), Monotonie (monotony), Trostlosigkeit (dreariness), Tristesse (sadness)
- Ich mag Unterhaltung. (I like entertainment.)
- Sie haben immer gute Unterhaltungen. (They always have good conversations.)
- Die Party war eine gute Unterhaltung. (The party was good entertainment.)
- Er unterhält das Publikum mit seinem Witz. (He entertains the audience with his humor.)
Overall, “Unterhaltung” plays an essential role in leisure activities and interactions, providing individuals with enjoyment, distraction, and stimulating conversations. Whether it’s through books, movies, or social gatherings, Unterhaltung brings people together and enriches their lives.\ Visit YouGlish.com