


Unwetter [ˈʊnˌvɛtɐ] is a German noun meaning “storm” or “severe weather.” It refers to any kind of atmospheric disturbance that disrupts normal weather conditions and can be dangerous or destructive. Unwetter encompasses a wide range of extreme weather phenomena, including thunderstorms, hailstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, and heavy rainfall.


The opposite of Unwetter is “Schönwetter” [ˈʃøːnˌvɛtɐ], which translates to “good weather” or “fair weather.” While Unwetter describes violent and turbulent weather conditions, Schönwetter refers to calm, pleasant weather with clear skies and no extreme meteorological disturbances.


  • Sturm (storm)
  • Gewitter (thunderstorm)
  • Orkan (hurricane)
  • Überschwemmung (flooding)
  • Hagelsturm (hailstorm)


  • Gestern gab es in unserer Stadt ein heftiges Unwetter mit starken Regenfällen und Sturmböen. (Yesterday, there was a severe storm in our city with heavy rainfall and strong gusts of wind.)
  • Vorsicht! Ein Unwetter mit Hagel droht, bitte bleiben Sie in geschützten Räumen. (Caution! A storm with hail is imminent, please stay indoors in protected areas.)
  • Nach dem Unwetter waren viele Straßen überflutet und es gab zahlreiche umgestürzte Bäume. (After the storm, many roads were flooded, and there were numerous fallen trees.)

Unwetter can have significant impacts on daily life, causing property damage, power outages, transportation disruptions, and even posing risks to human safety. It is important to stay informed about weather warnings and take necessary precautions during Unwetter events to ensure personal well-being and minimize damage.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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