


The German word “Veränderung” refers to the concept of change or alteration. It describes the process or state of becoming different. Veränderung can refer to transformations that occur in various aspects of life, such as personal development, physical appearance, or societal shifts.


  • Wandlung
  • Umgestaltung
  • Modifikation


  • Stagnation
  • Konstanz
  • Unveränderlichkeit


  1. Persönliche Veränderung (Personal Change): After attending therapy sessions, Maria experienced a significant Veränderung in her outlook on life. She became more optimistic and self-confident.

  2. Veränderung der Jahreszeiten (Change of Seasons): The colorful leaves falling from trees and the decreasing temperatures indicate the Veränderung from autumn to winter.

  3. Technologische Veränderungen (Technological Changes): With the rapid advancements in the digital world, businesses must adapt to the Veränderungen brought by new technologies in order to stay competitive.

  4. Gesellschaftliche Veränderungen (Societal Changes): The abolition of discriminatory laws led to Veränderungen in the legal system, fostering more equality and justice for all individuals.

  5. Klimawandel (Climate Change): The global Veränderung in weather patterns and increased temperatures point to the urgent need for sustainable actions to combat climate change.

Veränderung is an integral part of life, and how we embrace or navigate it determines our growth and future.\ Visit

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